Used Cooking Oil

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  • Used Cooking Oil

Used cooking oil can be refined into different types of bio-fuels used for power generation and heating. A significant benefit is that bio-fuels derived from recycled cooking oil typically burn clean, has a low carbon content and does not produce carbon monoxide. This helps communities to reduce their carbon footprints.

Used Cooking oil recycling also results in less used oil being disposed of in drains, which can clog sewage lines due to the build-up of fats and has to be collected there as “brown grease” by grease traps.

The recycling of Used cooking oil also provides a form of revenue for restaurants, which are sometimes compensated by cooking oil recyclers for their used deep fryer oil


We can offer the following specifications of Used Cooking Oil

Specification 1: ISCC Certified – Palm based feedstock

FFA : 5% Max;

M&I: 1% Max;

IV : 45% Min;

Specification 2: ISCC Certified

FFA : 6 %;

MIU : .01 % ;

IODINE : 80;

Specification 3: About the product:

The goods are yellow grease collected from restaurants, filtered and drummed and Not from an establishment that makes meat or tallow.

1. Yellow Grease is classified as inedible tallow with same hscode

2. Yellow Grease is clean recycled edible tallow after use in restaurants

3. Yellow Grease is used, cleaned and refined tallow

Feedstock : 80% animal and 20% vegetable UCO

CAS No. -61789-98-8

The AHECC code is 15021049

FFA 8%max

MI 1%max

IV 90 min

spec titre 38 deg C min

Appearance – Light to Golden Brown